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Applications of Retrievable Packers

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Applications of Retrievable Packers


The major difference than other types of packers(permanent packers) is that they can be removed from the well by tubing manipulation or some other means not involving the destruction of the packer. A limited number of production packers are available for wireline.


  • Retrievable packers tend to be used for the following applications:
  • Short life completion.
  • Where there is likely to be workovers requiring full bore access.
  • Multi-zone completions for zonal segregation.
  • Cement Squeeze
  • Casing leak detection
  • In relatively mild well conditions.

Setting & Releasing Mechanisms

The setting mechanism generally consists of a J-latch, a shear pin, or some other clutch arrangement to allow the packer to be engaged. The various mechanisms employed are actuated by a number of different methods, including upward or downward movement, placing weight on the packer, pulling tension in the tubing, or rotating to the right or left. Hydraulically actuated retrievable packers are set with pressure inside the tubing using pump-out plugs, wireline plugs, or flow-out balls. The releasing mechanisms on a retrievable packer involve another wide range of actuation methods – straight pickup, rotating to the right or left, slacking off and then picking up, or picking up to shear pins. To select a particular type of setting or releasing mechanism, it is necessary to know the conditions existing in the particular wellbore when the packer is set and the operations anticipated during its stay in the hole.

Pros & Cons

The main advantage of retrievable packers is that they can be retrieved without destroying the packer. This saves drilling rig time and the cost of replacing the packer. If the old packer is in satisfactory mechanical condition and is not corroded it can be redressed and rerun in the well. Retrievable packers, however, cost more than permanent Type. Sometimes they get stuck (pipe sticking) and cannot be retrieved by conventional retrieving tools. In this case they have to be milled and retrieved by taper tap. Retrievable packers generally take longer time to mill (milling operations) than permanent type because their slips are made of harder metal.

Vigor AS1X Retrievable Packer

Vigor AS1X Retrievable Packer is a retrievable, double-grip compression or tension-set production packer that can be left in tension, compression, or in a neutral position, and will hold pressure from above or below.

A large internal bypass reduces the swabbing effect during run-in and retrieval, and closes when the packer is set. When the packer is released, the bypass opens first, allowing the pressure to equalize before the upper slips are released.

The Model AS1X also features a upper-slip releasing system that reduces the force required to release the packer.

A non-directional slip is released first, making it easier to release the other slips.

The AS1X Retrievable Packer from Vigor is an ideal tool for completion.Vigor AS1X uses a combination rubber design, which makes the AS1X suitable for a variety of complex well conditions, if you are interested in our AS1X packer, do not hesitate to contact us.

For more information, you can write to our mailboxinfo@vigorpetroleum.com&marketing@vigordrilling.com

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