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Types of Wireline

Types of Wireline

Slickline – single solid non-electrical metal cable used for the operations that don’t require a lot of tensile force.

Braided line – a stronger line made of multiple strands of wire and used for fishing and plug retrieval.

Single or multi-conductor – has electric cable inside that can be used to send or receive signals from the downhole tools. Used for running different logging tools. Usually covered with armor wire to prevent damage to the conductor during the operations.

Wireline Equipment

Wireline unit – comes in different configurations depending on the job type and the well location.

The main purpose of the unit is to provide pulling power to move the wireline in and out of the hole.

The unit has depth and weight counters. Usually, a special wheel is used to keep track of the wireline depth.

Hoisting mechanism or crane – used for lifting wireline equipment.

Powerpack – used to provide power for the operation. Can be powered by diesel or electricity.

Sheaves – used to guide wireline into the wellbore.

Stuffing box – the tool with special seals used for pressure control on slickline operations. It allows wireline to be run into the well while preventing the well fluids from escaping.

For braided line operations, a grease injection control head is used instead of the stuffing box.

A grease is injected to create a seal around the braided line.

Blow out preventer (BOP) – used for pressure control in case something unexpected happens during the operation and to prevent blowouts.

The type of BOP used will depend on the well pressure.

Lubricators (riser) – used as a barrier to contain downhole tools (similarly to lubricators on coiled tubing units).

The length of the lubricator will depend on the length of the tool and the fish when fishing.

asd (7)

Post time: Mar-02-2024