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What Are The Classifications Of Perforating Operations For Perforating Guns?

What Are The Classifications Of Perforating Operations For Perforating Guns?

Commonperforating gunoperations can be divided into three ways: Wireline Conveyed Perforating (WCP), Through Tubing Perforation (TTP), Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP).

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Among them, the most widely used is Wireline Conveyed Perforating (WCP), and its basic construction method is to locate the energized ignition after the perforation gun under the cable in the casing.

1. Large diameter guns can be used under the cable.

2. It can produce a larger gun hole and a deeper penetration depth.

3. The perforation operation time is short, the cost is low, and it is more convenient.

Through Tubing Perforation (TTP) is a cable transmissionperforating gun in the oil pipe, and the ignition is energized after passing through the oil pipe.

1. Do not move the wellhead pipe string, good safety.

2. Negative pressure perforation can be carried out to reduce and eliminate the pollution of the oil and gas layer.

Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP) is to use the perforating pipe string to transport theperforating gun to the downhole oil layer, and then drill the hole after calibrating and positioning. The advantages of this approach are obvious.

1. A large-diameter perforating gun can be selected to increase the amount of perforating gun;

2. It can realize deep penetration and large aperture operation.

3. It can realize multi-phase perforation, which is more conducive to the direct flow of oil flow into the bottom of the well and increases the production capacity of the oil well.

4. It can realize high porous density operation.

5. Negative pressure perforation operation can be carried out.

6. No matter the oil layer is thin or thick, or even multi-layer operation, it can be completed at one time, which is very suitable for thick oil layer perforation.

7. Various ignition methods.

8. Radio communication and electric welding operations can still be maintained during perforation operations.

Post time: Aug-03-2023